Isolate application infrastructure

Create infrastructure stages to enable workload isolation

Map infrastructure to stages

Automatically separate non-production and production infrastructure

Define infrastructure plans for self-service

Create infrastructure blueprints such as network ranges, cluster blueprints and application-based cloud resources.

Isolate team infrastructure and policies

Infrastructure, networks and policies can often differ between environments or data classifications.  Segregate and isolate using stages to avoid security breaches or high costs.

Map AWS cloud accounts, Azure subscriptions or GCP project

Link your cloud accounts, azure subscriptions or GCP projects into team workspaces as well as attaching them to isolation stages. Let teams self-serve safely with automated isolation.

How it works

Set everything up ready for developer self-service

Define your stages

A stage is a logical grouping of infrastructure, policies, in-cluster add-ons, networks and cloud accounts. When Developers choose a defined stage for their environment, it will automatically use resources within it.

Create a platform dev to test your changes

Platform Dev enables the platform team to manage and control their own changes without impact to others. Move changes through stages in a controlled way mitigating outages and security issues.

Assign resources to stages

Create resources such as networks, policies, infrastructure plans and assign them to the necessary stages. Control what changes can be consumed based on the infrastructure stage allowing you to manage change risk.

Coming Soon

Publish and Rollout Strategies

Roll changes out across stages with rollout strategies. Control how teams can apply those changes in a non-disruptive way. Define rollout rules, such as a window of acceptance by teams before applying changes.

Get in touch for early feature access

Why choose Wayfinder

Promote a working end-to-end solution through to production with self-service.

Seamless integration

Integrate with your existing workflow, tech stack and infrastructure. We support all major cloud providers and Developer/Devops Tools.

Hard problems solved

We solve the painful problems for you. We spent thousands of hours thinking through a defined way of working to help your team deliver.

Not just an internal tool

Wayfinder is a product that has tested, validated and integrated APIs. It is more than a tool with hard to validate configuration and technical sprawl.

Deep expertise

We're part of the cloud native ecosystem. We contribute via our open source projects, tech blog, in person meet-ups and podcast.

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