Make Terraform self-service

Make it easy for Developers to self-serve Cloud resources

Have standardised self-service cloud resources

Prevent complex, terraform repository sprawl from happening by re-using 1 module for all teams

Not ticketOps or PROps

Raising Tickets or PR's to Cloud modules causes delays and is not self-service. With Wayfinder, developers can self-service modules they need for their environments without Terraform knowledge.

No more project specific terraform resource sprawl

Project-specific Terraform configurations results in sprawl across the organisation preventing upgrades and security awareness as well duplication. Re-use one module consistently across all your teams.

Increase security with self-service scans and policy checks

Enforce security checks when resources are provisioned by Developers. Enable policy-as-code to so that all teams get a consistent security posture across your platform.

How it works

Roll-out Terraform modules across Wayfinder

CI pipeline templates for best practice

Use Wayfinder to generate a default CI pipeline that enforces all necessary Terraform best practices such as linting, security checks and best practices.

Wayfinder Cloud Resource Plan

Run the CLI to generate a Cloud Resource Plan for your module. Use this Plan as a way of defining default configurations as well as what parameters often need to change per project.

Define developer inputs, defaults or lookups

Define the parameters that are developer inputs such as database name, object storage name etc. Define sensible secure defaults or lookup information from the system such as VPCID for existing data to populate module configuration dynamically.

Test, Validate, Version and Publish

Generate developer input configuration and test end-to-end that the module works before publishing. Version and publish the configuration and make it available for Developers to self-serve

Why choose Wayfinder

Promote a working end-to-end solution through to production with self-service.

Seamless integration

Integrate with your existing workflow, tech stack and infrastructure. We support all major cloud providers and Developer/Devops Tools.

Hard problems solved

We solve the painful problems for you. We spent thousands of hours thinking through a defined way of working to help your team deliver.

Not just an internal tool

Wayfinder is a product that has tested, validated and integrated APIs. It is more than a tool with hard to validate configuration and technical sprawl.

Deep expertise

We're part of the cloud native ecosystem. We contribute via our open source projects, tech blog, in person meet-ups and podcast.

Wayfinder platform features

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