BLOGPlatform Engineering

The Frankenstein of Modern Development - The Day 2 Monster

Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2 represent distinct phases in the lifecycle of software deployment and management, each with its own set of challenges and requirements.

Platform Engineering
Time to read
June 13, 2024

Key Takeaways

Within the vibrant landscape of contemporary cloud technologies, developers often find themselves stitching together various platforms and frameworks to craft their applications. Much like Dr. Frankenstein's creation, this amalgamation, while powerful, can become a behemoth that's challenging to control and manage. Kubernetes, hailed as the gold standard for container orchestration, promises to tame this beast. However, as many organisations have realised, harnessing its power is not a straightforward task.

This journey of piecing together and managing the Kubernetes "monster" is marked by distinct phases: Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2. Each represents a unique stage in the software deployment and management lifecycle, with its own set of challenges and intricacies. From the initial assembly of components to the continuous task of keeping the creation in check, understanding these phases is vital for developers aiming to master the Kubernetes realm.

In this article, we'll delve into this journey, unravelling the complexities of each phase and highlighting the challenges of Day 2 operations. This is the stage where the true nature of the Kubernetes "creature" reveals itself, demanding skill, vigilance, and adaptability from its creators.

  • Understanding the phases of Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2 is crucial for Kubernetes deployment management.
  • Day 0 involves planning and setting milestones for application deployment.
  • Day 1 is about application development, infrastructure setup, configuration, and deployment.
  • Day 2 focuses on maintaining and improving live applications, including monitoring, optimisation, bug fixing, security, and feedback integration.
  • Day 2 operations present challenges like operational complexity, security issues, update management, performance bottlenecks, and managing user feedback.
  • Implementing Wayfinder addresses Day 2 challenges and ensures long-term resilience of Kubernetes deployments, while professional experts like Appvia provide support across all deployment phases.

What "days" are all about

In the realm of Kubernetes and cloud-native deployments, the terms Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2 have become ubiquitous. They represent distinct phases in the lifecycle of software deployment and management, each with its own set of challenges and requirements.

Day 0 - The Silent Stirrings

Day 0 is akin to laying the foundation for a skyscraper. It's about envisioning what's to come and ensuring that the groundwork is robust enough to support the structure. In the realm of Kubernetes, this translates to:

  • Requirement Specification: Just as an architect would need to know the purpose of a building, in Kubernetes, it's essential to understand the application's needs. For instance, an e-commerce platform might require a database for inventory, a user interface for shoppers, and a payment gateway integration.
  • Architecture Design: Based on the requirements, a blueprint is created. Using our e-commerce example, this could involve deciding on a microservices architecture, where each service (user management, product catalogue, payment processing) is a separate entity but they all communicate seamlessly.
  • Resource Planning: This involves determining the necessary resources. According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's survey in 2020, the use of containers in production has grown to 92%, indicating the importance of planning resources like container orchestration, storage solutions, and network configurations.
  • Milestones Setting: Setting clear, measurable milestones is crucial. For instance, by the end of Q1, the database setup and user interface might need to be ready for initial testing.

Day 0 is all about meticulous planning and setting the stage. It's the phase where visions are translated into actionable plans, ensuring that the subsequent phases have a clear direction and purpose.

Day 1 - Echoes of Emergence

Day 1 is the phase of action, where the meticulously crafted plans of Day 0 start taking tangible form. It's akin to constructing the skyscraper on the foundation laid during Day 0. Here's a deeper dive into the pivotal activities of Day 1:

  • Application Development: This is where developers roll up their sleeves and start coding. Using our e-commerce example from Day 0, this could involve developing microservices for user authentication, product listings, and payment processing. According to Stack Overflow's Developer Survey 2020, JavaScript, SQL, and Python are among the most popular languages, indicating the diverse tools developers might employ.
  • Infrastructure Setup: Modern applications, especially those designed for the cloud, require a robust infrastructure. This could involve setting up Kubernetes clusters, configuring storage solutions like Ceph or GlusterFS, and ensuring network policies for secure communication between services.
  • Configuration Implementation: Once the infrastructure is in place, it needs to be configured to support the application. This might involve setting up environment variables, configuring logging and monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana, and ensuring that the application can scale seamlessly.
  • Deployment and Integration: With everything set up, it's time to deploy the application. Tools like Helm can help in packaging and deploying applications on Kubernetes. Post-deployment, it's crucial to ensure that all components, be it the user interface, backend services, or databases, communicate seamlessly. For our e-commerce platform, this would mean ensuring that a product listing fetches the correct data from the database and integrates with the payment gateway without hitches.

Day 1 is the phase of transformation, where abstract plans metamorphose into a working application. It's the stage where the vision of Day 0 is realised, and the digital infrastructure is primed to serve its intended users.

Day 2 - The Subdued Rise

Day 2 is the phase where the application, now live and serving users, needs continuous attention to ensure it remains efficient, secure, and relevant. It's akin to maintaining and upgrading the skyscraper to ensure it remains a modern, safe, and functional space for its inhabitants. Here's a detailed exploration of Day 2 activities:

  • System Monitoring: With the application live, it's crucial to keep a vigilant eye on its operations. Tools like Prometheus and Elasticsearch come into play, helping teams monitor metrics, logs, and system health. For instance, if our e-commerce platform sees a sudden spike in user traffic during a sale, monitoring tools can alert teams to potential bottlenecks or system overloads.
  • Performance Optimization: As user interactions grow, the system might need tweaks for optimal performance. This could involve scaling services (both up and down), optimising database queries, or even leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) to serve global users efficiently. According to Datadog's report, in 2020, most organisations ran their containers for short durations, indicating frequent updates and optimizations.
  • Bug Rectification: No system is perfect, and issues will arise. Day 2 is about swift identification and rectification of these bugs. Whether it's a payment gateway failing occasionally or a user interface glitch on certain devices, addressing these ensures a seamless user experience.
  • Security and Compliance: In a world of evolving cyber threats, ensuring the application's security is paramount. This involves regular vulnerability assessments, patching known security issues, and ensuring compliance with standards like GDPR or HIPAA. Tools like Kube-bench can help in checking the Kubernetes deployments against best practices.
  • Feedback Integration: The real-world usage of the application provides invaluable insights. Gathering user feedback, analysing it, and iterating on the application ensures it remains relevant and user-centric. For our e-commerce example, if users find the checkout process cumbersome, Day 2 operations would involve refining it based on this feedback.

Day 2 is the phase of continuous improvement and vigilance. It's about ensuring that the application, now a living entity interacting with real users, remains efficient, secure, and in tune with its users' evolving needs.

The Problem with Day 2

Day 2 operations, while crucial for the longevity and success of a Kubernetes deployment, present a myriad of challenges that can be daunting for organisations. Here's a deeper dive into the intricacies of Day 2:

  • Operational Complexity: With the system now live, there's a shift from the controlled environment of development and deployment to the unpredictable realm of real-world operations. This means dealing with varying traffic loads, unexpected user behaviours, and the need for immediate response to any disruptions.
  • Security Challenges: As cyber threats evolve, so must the security measures of a live system. Day 2 requires constant vigilance against potential vulnerabilities, be it from outdated components, misconfigurations, or newly discovered security flaws. According to a report by StackRox, in early 2020, misconfigurations were the leading cause of Kubernetes security incidents.
  • Update Management: Keeping the system updated is a double-edged sword. While updates bring in new features and security patches, they can also introduce new bugs or incompatibilities. Managing updates without disrupting the user experience becomes a delicate balancing act.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: As user interactions grow, so do the demands on the system. Identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks, whether they arise from code inefficiencies, infrastructure limitations, or external services, become paramount.
  • User Feedback Overload: While user feedback is invaluable, Day 2 operations often involve sifting through a deluge of feedback to identify genuine issues or areas of improvement. This requires dedicated resources and can be overwhelming.

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The Ongoing Costs of Building a K8s Platform

The financial implications of a Kubernetes deployment extend far beyond the initial setup and deployment costs. Day 2 brings with it ongoing expenses that, if not managed judiciously, can strain organisational budgets:

  • Monitoring and Management Tools: Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger, while essential for effective Day 2 operations, come with licensing, setup, and maintenance costs.
  • Team Upskilling: The Kubernetes landscape is ever-evolving. This necessitates regular training sessions, workshops, and certifications for the team to stay updated. According to the Linux Foundation's 2020 report, there's a growing demand for Kubernetes certifications, indicating the emphasis organisations place on upskilling.
  • Security Measures: Implementing robust security measures, from firewalls and intrusion detection systems to vulnerability assessment tools, involves both capital and operational expenses.
  • Scaling Infrastructure: As the user base grows, so does the need for resources. This could mean more server capacity, additional storage, or even geographical expansion to serve a global user base. Each of these scaling activities carries significant costs.
  • Compliance Audits: For applications that deal with sensitive data, regular compliance audits become mandatory. Whether it's GDPR for user data or PCI DSS for payment information, ensuring compliance is both essential and costly.

If not monitored and optimised, these ongoing costs can spiral, leading to situations where the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the Kubernetes deployment overshadows the returns on investment (ROI). Effective Day 2 operations, therefore, involve not just technical management but also financial prudence.

Day 2 Solution - Centralised Developer Platform

Appvia Wayfinder

In the intricate maze of Day 2 Kubernetes operations, finding the right path can be daunting. Enter Appvia Wayfinder, a beacon designed to guide organisations through the complexities and challenges of maintaining a live Kubernetes deployment. Here's an in-depth look at how Wayfinder stands out as the solution for Day 2 challenges:

Automated Monitoring with Wayfinder

  • Proactive Issue Detection: Wayfinder's monitoring capabilities aren't just about highlighting issues; they're about predicting them. By analysing patterns and trends, Wayfinder can alert teams to potential problems before they escalate, from resource bottlenecks to potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Integrated Dashboards: With Wayfinder, teams get a unified view of their entire Kubernetes environment. This holistic perspective ensures that no issue, no matter how minor, slips through the cracks.

Security and Compliance

  • Dynamic Security Protocols: Wayfinder understands that the threat landscape is ever-evolving. Its security measures are dynamic, adapting to new threats and ensuring that the Kubernetes environment remains impervious to breaches.
  • Automated Compliance Checks: Whether it's GDPR, HIPAA, or any other regulatory standard, Wayfinder automates compliance checks, ensuring that the environment always adheres to the latest regulations without manual interventions.

Optimisation Tools

  • Resource Management: Wayfinder's optimisation tools ensure that resources, from CPU to storage, are utilised efficiently. This not only ensures optimal performance but also translates to cost savings.
  • Scalability Solutions: As user interactions grow, Wayfinder provides tools to scale the environment seamlessly, ensuring that the user experience remains consistent, irrespective of the load.

Feedback Loop Integration

  • Real-time Feedback Analysis: Wayfinder doesn't just gather feedback; it analyses it in real-time. This ensures that genuine issues or suggestions from users are promptly addressed.
  • Iterative Development Support: With Wayfinder, the application development process becomes iterative. Feedback is seamlessly integrated into the development cycle, ensuring that the application evolves in tandem with user needs and expectations.

Day 2 operations, with their myriad challenges, require a robust and comprehensive solution. Appvia's Wayfinder is not just a tool; it's a partner for organisations, guiding them through the complexities of Kubernetes management. By leveraging Wayfinder, organisations are not just addressing the challenges of Day 2; they're future-proofing their Kubernetes deployments, ensuring longevity, efficiency, and user satisfaction.

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